Sunday, February 23, 2014

Strategies of Darkness

Bible Verses
Ephesians 6:10-13

There are good and evil in this world, where evil naturally occurs through people's behavior and murders. Christianity recognizes the other type, a supernatural evil that capable of mastering human's heart. The sermon is dedicated to acknowledge characters and strategies of demon, so people can know which way to fight the demon that playing on human's heart.

One of Devil's strategy is temptation, and Tim Keller addressed it by rethinking the definition of "worship", shifting the definition from religious context to philosophical context. Worship determines what we love, what we most trust in our heart, that directs our desires-dreams- and life principles. Examples taken from materialist (who builds identity on material belongings) and sexual adddicts (who builds identity on sexual relationships). Even more, he questions that Greek mythology gods roots from this understanding. From this assertion, human's heart often fall on idols: little gods, and being influenced by power of the devil. Based from The Holy Bible, people who refuse to believe in God will have their heart commanded by devil, sooner or later (John 8:44).

The characteristics of the devil further explained. Tim Keller expounded three characters: (a) mighty; (b) wily/smart; (c) vulnerable. Mighty as the Devil temporarily becomes Prince of The Air, the ones that rule and circulating lies on Earth (as opposed to the Truth); Wily/Smart as they can fabricated lies into seemingly "truth" or half truths that works well on two persons in the Bible: Eve (Genesis 3:1-6) and Judah (John 12:6, 13:2, 27), which demonstrates power of sin that separates and misdirect human from God. Fortunately, Devil is also vulnerable since Jesus died and paid our sins on the cross that defeat the law of sin. So, evil has no power in Christian heart that lives near to the Truth: the person Jesus Christ.

In conclusion, Christians can be more aware of evil's traps that lure human away from God's love. Knowing the Devil personally from the Bible will help Christians to reject them effectively. The preacher illustrates our heart as The Garden and The Holy Bible as The Seed. Much of God's truth planted in our heart will flourish the heavenly garden in our heart and become fruitful. In the preacher's terms, we planted a "bomb" to destroy Devil's lies and stand still in spiritual warfare, so our Heavenly Garden is protected. Just like Plants vs. Zombies.

So zombies are demons? Yeah, call me 'zombist' 

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